Don´t be afraid of Capillary-HPLC

There is no sound reason for not taking advantage of the unique benefits of this exciting technique:

Easy to use: NovoGROM- capillary columns
  • convinient "on-line" coupling to mass-spectrometer
  • suitable for minimum sample volumes commonly encountered when analysing biochemical or neuro-chemical samples
  • > 8000-fold increased sensitivity
  • drastically reduced costs of purchasing and
    disposing of solvents
  • 10 to 800 µ inner diameter

  • 5, 20, 100, 150 or 250 mm in length

  • "fingertight", no tools needed for assembling

  • dead-volume free coupling of capillary guard columns

  • direct coupling via "fused silica"-capillary to flow-through cell

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01 083 Tryptic digest of a dehydrogenase
Column phase: Column size:

Flow rate:

GROM-SIL 100 ODS-2 FE, 5 µm
250 mm x 300 µm
A: 0.1% TFA in H2O
B: 0.1% TFA in ACN
10-60% B (0-90 min)
5 µl/min
16-7 MPa
214 nm
1 µl (2 pMol)

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Any modern HPLC system may easily be converted to a capillary HPLC by means of a splitter, microinjector (only needed when working in isocratical mode) and capillary detector cell.
NovoGROM-capillary columns (for further information please order GROM HPLC catalogue) can be packed with any of the stationary phases listed or with the customer´s stationary phase.