Take advantage of the benefits of miniaturization
by employing state-of-the-art HPLC

All modern HPLC-pumps and, in conjunction with a solvent splitting device, even any traditional HPLC-pump can easily maintain the low flow rates required for isocratic (often on-line coupled to mass-spectrometer) or gradient elution in capillary HPLC.
Also micro flow cells of UV detectors with 1.2 µl or even 3 nl volume and 3 mm, respectively 8 mm path length are currently available.
  They can readily be used in place of the standard analytical flow cells of HPLC detectors commonly used today. The risk of back-mixing caused by large volume detector cells is thus eliminated. Further, in addition to the benefits of drastically reduced solvent consumption, Micro HPLC may offer more than 200-fold enhanced sensitivity in accordance with Beer-Lambert´s law when using such tiny micro flow cells.
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Middle Age

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Modern Times

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Enhanced sensitivity plus drastic solvent savings by using smaller i.d. columns
in. diameter
cross sect.
flow (µ/min) solvent consumption flowcell vol. (µ) path length (mm) gain in sensitivity
4.6 16.6 1200 100% 15 10 1
4.0 12.6 910 75% 15 10 1.3
3.0 7.1 510 42% 15 10 2.4
2.0 3.1 224 19% 15* 10 5.3
         5 6 3.2
         1.2 3 1.6
1 0.8 56 5% 15* 10 21
         5 6 12.6
        1.2 3 6.3
500 µ 0.2 15 1.2% 15* 10 80
        5* 6 48
         1.2 3 24
250 µ 0.05 3.5 0.3% 15* 10 340
        5* 6 200
         1.2 3 100
         100 nl 0.3 10
        3 nl 8 270
* when optimal resolution is needed these flow cells must not be used for these columns