All modern
HPLC-pumps and, in conjunction with a solvent splitting device, even any traditional
HPLC-pump can easily maintain the low flow rates required for isocratic (often on-line
coupled to mass-spectrometer) or gradient elution in capillary HPLC.
Also micro flow cells of UV detectors with 1.2 µl or even 3 nl volume and 3 mm,
respectively 8 mm path length are currently available. |
They can readily
be used in place of the standard analytical flow cells of HPLC detectors commonly used
today. The risk of back-mixing caused by large volume detector cells is thus eliminated.
Further, in addition to the benefits of drastically reduced solvent consumption, Micro
HPLC may offer more than 200-fold enhanced sensitivity in accordance with Beer-Lambert´s
law when using such tiny micro flow cells. |