Overview and prices
of tailor made, customised
NovoGROM Columns
and reagent kits

Button_mini_pink.gif (1036 Byte)Analysis of amino acid analysis

GROM speciality columns and reagent kits dedicated to amino acids and biogenic amines
Order number Method of precolumn derivatisation / Column dimensions ** Column Cartridge Refill Kit/Pack
984.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with FMOC / ADAM       1.349,-
GS FM2 0512V010***V FMOC / ADAM guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS FM2 0512V010***V FMOC / ADAM guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)             214,-
GS FM2 0512 *250*** FMOC / ADAM column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
GS FM10410V0105V FMOC / Pentane extraction guard columns, 10 x 4.6 mm (pk. of 5)       214,-
GS FM10406 *2505 FMOC / Pentane extraction column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
985.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with FLEC / ADAM               1.513,-
GS FL10312V010***V FLEC guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS FL10312V010***V FLEC guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)          214,-
GS FL10312 *250*** FLEC column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 618,- 607,- 580,-
980.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with OPA / MPA                   1.349,-
GS OP10308V010***V OPA guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS OP10308V010***V OPA guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)                      214,-
GS OP10308 *150*** OPA column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 150 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
986.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with OPA / IBLC       1.513,-
GS OP2 0512V010***V OPA / IBLC guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS OP2 0512V010***V OPA / IBLC guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)            214,-
GS OP2 0512 *250*** OPA / IBLC column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, or 4 mm 618,- 607,- 580,-
987.0000 Kit OPA-3- complete - for precolumn derivatisation with OPA / MPA          1.349,-
GS OP30309V010***V OPA-3 guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS OP30309V010***V OPA-3 guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5) 214,-
GS OP30309 *120*** OPA-3 column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 125 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
982.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with DABS-Cl       1349,-
GS DA10410V010***V DABS-Cl guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS DA10410V010***V DABS-Cl guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)          214,-
GS DA10410 *200*** DABS-Cl column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
GROM Speciality columns for the analysis of polyamines and biogenic amines
Order number Method of precolumn derivatisation / Column dimensions ** Column Cartridge Refill Kit/Pack
983.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with FMOC / EVA        1.349,-
GS PO10510V010***V FMOC / EVA guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS PO10510V010***V FMOC / EVA guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)       214,-
GS PO10510 *200*** FMOC / EVA column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
988.0000 Kit - complete - for precolumn derivatisation with FMOC / EVA -HR       1.349,-
GS PO20510V010***V FMOC / EVA guard columns, 10 x 1 or 2 mm (Pk. of 5) 228,-
GS PO20510V010***V FMOC / EVA guard columns, 10 x 3, 4 or 4.6 mm (Pk. of 5)       214,-
GS PO20510 *250*** FMOC / EVA column, -cartridge, resp. -refill, 250 x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 4.6 mm 558,- 547,- 520,-
Note! For prices of reagents and other items dedicated to amino acid analysis please ask for special price list.
* For ordering please always insert in order number "S", "K" or "R" for 'column', 'cartridge', or 'refill'.
** Other dimensions upon request (for intermediate sizes the price of the next longer column is valid).
*** For ordering please always insert 1, 2, 3, 4 resp. 5 for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4.6 mm ID.