NovoGROM HPLC Columns for combinatorial chemistry

Prepacked NovoGROM HPLC Columns

dedicated to Combinatorial Chemistry

Combinatorial Chemistry: One of the most advanced, modern technologies requires a broad range in selectivity and excellent stability of stationary phases, while maintaining column durability and efficiency with good peak symmetry, especially for basic and acidic compounds. These important features are only guaranteed by a couple of the commonly available stationary phases such as GROM-SIL phases .

Outstanding Feature and Benefit of unique NovoGROM column hardware:

red_button.gif (813 Byte) Low-dispersion, i.e. no peak broadening by hardware void volume pfeil-rot.gif (990 Byte) Extraordinary performance even at high speed, therefore ensuring high sample throughput

thumb_combi.gif (14340 Byte)

more information about combinatorial chemistry
to see the picture, please click and open PDF-File Button_mini.gif (1040 Byte)

combinatorial chemistry stainless steel columns, prepacked preferably with:

Button_mini.gif (1040 Byte) Guard column cartridges to be used in conjunction with guard column head or guard column holder
Button_mini.gif (1040 Byte) Combinatorial Chemistry low dispersion column hardware
Button_mini.gif (1040 Byte) Down-scaling and UP-scaling for the isolation of drugs


analytical scale
88-1.gif (6937 Byte)
10 or 20 x 4 mm
guard column, cartridge, complete

50 x 4 mm
column with integrated guard column

50 x 4 mm
column for conventional ferrule-type fitting

semi-preparative scale
88-2.gif (8555 Byte)
10 or 20 x 8 mm
guard column cartridge, complete

50 x 8 mm
column with integrated guard column

50 x 8 mm
column for conventional ferrule-type fitting

preparative scale
88-3.gif (12475 Byte)
10 or 20 x 20 mm, resp. x 30 mm
guard column cartridge, complete

50 x 20 mm, resp. x 30 mm
column* with integrated guard column

50 x 20 mm, resp. x 30 mm
column for conventional ferrule-type fitting

red_button.gif (813 Byte) short columns

pfeil-black.gif (990 Byte)

fast separations
red_button.gif (813 Byte) integrated guard columns pfeil-black.gif (990 Byte) low dispersion, i.e. no peak broadening
red_button.gif (813 Byte) disposable guard column cartridges pfeil-black.gif (990 Byte) cost saving, easy to use
red_button.gif (813 Byte) high versatility pfeil-black.gif (990 Byte) unique flexibility when "up-scaling"
red_button.gif (813 Byte) packed with all commonly available stationary phases pfeil-black.gif (990 Byte) enables optimal selectivity
Combinatorial chemistry stainless steel columns, prepacked preferably with:
Order number Description
GSODS0511S0502 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 2.0 mm, packed with GROM- Sapphire (C18 / 5 µm / 110 Å)
GSOD30512S0502 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 2.0 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-3 CP (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSOD40512S0502 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 2.0 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-4 HE (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSODS0511S0504 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 4.0 mm, packed with GROM- Sapphire (C18 / 5 µm / 110 Å)
GSOD30512S0504 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 4.0 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-3 CP (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSOD40512S0504 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 4.0 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-4 HE (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSODS0511S0508 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 8 mm, packed with GROM- Sapphire (C18 / 5 µm / 110 Å)
GSOD30512S0508 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 8 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-3 CP (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSOD40512S0508 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 8 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-4 HE (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSODS0511S0520 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 20 mm, packed with GROM- Sapphire (C18 / 5 µm / 110 Å)
GSOD30512S0520 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 20 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-3 CP (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSOD40512S0520 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 20 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-4 HE (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSODS0511S0530 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 30 mm, packed with GROM- Sapphire (C18 / 5 µm / 110 Å)
GSOD30512S0530 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 30 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-3 CP (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)
GSOD40512S0530 NovoGROM CombiChem column, 50 x 30 mm, packed with GROM- SIL 120 ODS-4 HE (C18 / 5 µm / 120 Å)

Note !

NovoGROM columns dedicated to Combinatorial Chemistry can be packed with any of the stationary     phases  of the GROM HPLC 2000 catalogue.
Combinatorial Chemistry low dispersion column hardware : (stainless steel)*
Guard column cartridges to be used in conjunction with
           guard column head           or guard column holder
Order number Dimensions / Quantity Order number Order number
**....V0101V 10 x 1.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3551 2551
**....V0201V 20 x 1.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3555 2555
**....V0102V 10 x 2.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3551 2551
**....V0202V 20 x 2.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3555 2555
**....V0104V 10 x 4.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3101 2116
**....V0204V 20 x 4.0 mm (Pk. of 5) 3102 2115
**....V0108V 10 x 8.0 mm (Pk. of 2) 50.3111 50.2111
**....V0208V 20 x 8.0 mm (Pk. of 2) 50.3112 50.2112
**....V0120V 10 x 20 mm (Pk. of 2) 70.3111 70.2111
**....V0220V 20 x 20 mm (Pk. of 2) 70.3112 70.2112
**....V0230V 20 x 30 mm (Pk. of 1) ---- 75.2112
**....V0330V 30 x 30 mm (Pk. of 1) ---- 75.2113
* Other dimensions upon request.
** Please, add abbreviation for the desired stationary phase.
Combinatorial Chemistry low dispersion column hardware (stainless steel):*
CombiChem cartridge CombiChem column
Order number Order number Dimensions
**....K0401 **....S0401 40 x 1.0 mm
**....K0501 **....S0501 50 x 1.0 mm
**....K0402 **....S0402 40 x 2.0 mm
**....K0502 **....S0502 50 x 2.0 mm
**....K0404 **....S0404 40 x 4.0 mm
**....K0504 **....S0504 50 x 4.0 mm
--- **....S0408 40 x 8.0 mm
--- **....S0508 50 x 8.0 mm
see guard column cartridge **....S0320 30 x 20 mm
--- **....S0420 40 x 20 mm
--- **....S0520 50 x 20 mm
see guard column cartridge **....S0330 30 x 30 mm
--- **....S0430 40 x 30 mm
--- **....S0530 50 x 30 mm
--- **....S0440 40 x 40 mm
--- **....S0540 50 x 40 mm
--- **....S0450 40 x 50 mm
--- **....S0550 50 x 50 mm
* Other dimensions upon request.
** Please, add abbreviation for the desired stationary phase.
Down-scaling and Up-scaling for the isolation of drugs

up-down-scaling.gif (29183 Byte)

Column phase: GROM-SIL 120 ODS-3 CP, 3 µm Column phase: GROM-SIL 120 ODS-3 CP, 5 µm Column phase: GROM-SIL 120 ODS-3 CP, 5 µm
Column size: 30 x 4.0 mm Column size: 50 x 4.0 mm Column size: 50 x 8 mm
Eluent A: H2O Eluent A: H2O Eluent A: H2O
Gradient: 10% B (0 -1 min), Gradient: 10% B (0-2 min), Gradient: 10% B (0-2 min),
10-90% B (1-4.2 min), 10-90% B (2-6 min), 10-90% B (2-6 min),
90% B (4.2-5 min), 90% B (6-7min), 90% B (6-7min),
90-10% B (5-5.2 min) 90-10% B (7-7.2 min) 90-10% B (7-7.2 min)
Flow rate: 2 ml/min Flow rate: 2 ml/min Flow rate: 8 ml/min
Pressure: 13.8 MPa Pressure: 11.2 MPa Pressure: 13.2 MPa
Temperature: Temperature: RT Temperature: RT
Detection (UV): 254 nm Detection (UV): 254 nm Detection (UV): 254 nm
Injection: 0.4 mg / 100 µl Injection: 0.4 mg / 100 µl Injection: 1.6 mg / 400 µl