Product Range



ku_gruen.gif (1196 Byte) Novel NovoGROM-HPLC Columns ... and accessories ...
capillary columns (50 - 800µm i.d.), microbore columns (1 and 2 mm i.d.), analytical columns (3.0, 4.0 and 4.6 mm i.d.), resp. semipreparative and preparative columns (8 - 100 mm i.d.)
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) GROM-SIL PHASES.... and phases slanted towards biochemical applications
          Overview of the stationary phases, selectivities and technical data
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) Tailor made,
          customised NovoGROM-Columns....
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) Dedicated NovoGROM-Column Sets ...
          for method development and up-scaling....
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) Amino Acid Analysis by HPLC ...
          (& polyamines & biogenic amines)....
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) Column Choice
          for Chiral Separations ...
ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) Deep Well Microtiter GROM -Plates

ku_butt_neu.gif (1349 Byte) HPLC columns dedicated to Combinatorial Chemistry

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